Monday, June 27, 2011

Family Camp week! (or just another week in paradise)

Here's just a little round up of family camp photos mostly taken with my wee little camera phone. The first couple are from texts that I sent to Scott to remind him of what he was missing the first three days. (I'm so nice that way.)

This post is dedicated to my few friends who are not facebook compatible. ;)

Here's Andrew up at bat! Jacob's watching on.

Daniel and Jacob in the boy's basketball tournament.


To the beach with Sally, Amanda and all the kiddos (6 kids, 6 and under)

So then on Wednesday (free day) the family split up. Tyler went to Canon Beach with the Walkers, and I stuck with the rest of the family since I wanted to make sure to get a nap in.
Which I did. ;)

We stayed close by and left with one intention and then debated 20 options in the car and then eneded up somewhere completely different. We decided to visit Cape Meares, which we couldn't believe we had never visited before. It couldn't have been more gorgeous!

The lighthouse


The amazing view looking south along the coast line

The lighthouse was the shorteset one I had ever seen.

Mom and Dad reading with Jacob about seals versus sea lions.

Looking north.

This looked to me right out of a Famous Five story . Love those books!

We had a picnic lunch. Here Daniel is modeling my sunglasses.

Sandcastle competition day! The weather was amazing.

Sand baby! Micah's family was busy working hard on their sandcastle.

I got sucked into helping another sandcastle team. I couldn't resist.

Ellen graciously agreed to help.

With Missy on the beach.

And my favorite photo from the whole week, me and baby Henry!

1 comment:

Leah V. said...

Oh, very fun! Thanks, Sara! I just love Family Camp. *sniff* The next best thing is looking at pictures from Family Camp. :)