Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 177

:: Beautiful coloring of the artichokes before they got cooked for dinner
:: My view from the pasture walking back from evening chores
:: What else? Feeling much better thanks to staying home from church on Sunday and sleeping in until 9:30 this morning, enjoying having (almost) all the Ayers* here! - Kerrilynn made pancakes for breakfast, and then throughout the day, Daniel & Ryan worked on mortaring the patio brickwork, cleaned up lunch, helped dump barrels, and worked in the barn, Andrew and Jacob worked on the processing trailer, weed wacking, fencing and organizing the barn, Hadley and Kerrilynn weeded for an amazingly long timer and helped with the barn. It was really great to have so much help! I worked on getting the electric fencing wires repaired around the pastures. And then Hadley and Susan made a cake for dessert tonight. I could get used to this. :) 

*The Ayers are good friends of ours who are "attempting" to move to Bend, three hours away. However, the bank/loan co./? has majorly mismanaged the paper work of the buyer of the old home. and of course the Ayers can't officially close the deal on their new house until the old house is settled. And, they didn't find out that everything was incredibly behind until the day they were loading the truck (almost two weeks ago) as they were getting lied to by a loan employee. So, we get the pleasure of them staying with us until everything gets sorted out. Which God willing, should happen by the end of the week! 

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