Thursday, September 30, 2010

Got Duck?

We do. Mom got ten baby ducks last week and they are growing quickly. Last week they were about half the size.

The duckies got their first chance to explore the yard today. They didn't stray more than a few feet from the yard as they would hardly walk more than a few steps without sitting down to nibble at the grass or preen themselves. At first they all look the same, but eventually you can begin to see how the puffs differ. Some are bigger, some have a micro puff or two, and some are even lopsided.

Jacob gathering the duckies for their second bath (they had their first one on Monday).

In the turtle tub!

Duck Soup

Monday, September 27, 2010

David & Dorrit

Went on a walk today and took pictures of our latest bummer lambs who were named after the Charles Dickens characters, David Copperfield and Little Dorrit.
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Courtesy of Miss Pickwickian

Press Quote

Reading from Tintypes in Gold by Joseph Jackson published in 1939. Concerning press reports of the notorious stage coach robber, Black Bart:
"It is not the first time, nor the last, that The Press has confused itself with The Almighty."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More Pictures

Hopefully over the coming weeks (um, do I dare hope it will be that quick?) I will post pictures of Herbert being transformed.

The othe side of Herbert. You can see the electrical line that Scott used to hook up temporary lights.

Inside with a removable divider.

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Sunflower 2

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Thursday, September 16, 2010